19 March, 2008

karmic retribution.

the past week or so has been good to me.  after last week's drinking binge, I was a bit worn out for the st. patrick's day escapades and even spent monday evening at home.  in fact, this whole week (all three days) I haven't gone out.  man, i sound pathetic.

last week, wendy and i decided to roll up our sleeves and become the men that we are.  she and i were able to successfully change my car battery and top off my coolant in the dark.  we are somewhat of a midnight mechanic duo.  it reassured me that she and i are going to do fabulously once we move.

last night i went out with john for a third time.  we went to the movies and it was nice.  i liked it.  i haven't really felt anything for anyone in a long while and this is all kind of refreshing.  and i know he and i are an unlikely pair but it's fun.  that being said, we have yet to take that next step and i'm wondering who will do so and where.

last summer i spent a few drug-fueled nights with matt, someone i had met while i was working an out event.  he and i continue to talk and he's someone i could see myself really liking if we were to spend more (sober?) time together.  i suppose this summer will either confirm or deny that sentiment.  he's cute.

i get upset sometimes when i think about leaving my mother and father and grandparents and kristi here when the relocation occurs.  it's not going to be easy by any means and it's approaching quicker than i expected.  but i can't stay here anymore.  it's time to move forward in life.

this morning i snapped on someone who approached me to sign a petition for something i didn't even take the time to learn about.  as if my time is so precious that i can't hear someone else out for 30 seconds.  my inhumanity is reaching gross new levels.

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