06 February, 2008

mardi-gras goes midwest.

yesterday i spent the day visiting my family.  it's always nice to see my mother and father and my grandma was there as it was her birthday.  my parents adopted two puppies about a year ago and i got to see them, as well.  i never had a dog growing up so it's kind of odd going back "home" and having two miniature daschunds there.  but it's okay, they're cute .. at times.

after i finished catching up with my family (and by that i mean doing my laundry, of course) i headed back to my apartment and made plans with jamie to go to aut for a mardi-gras party.  he, kristi, and i had a few drinks at my apartment and then made our way to the bar around midnight.  i had a very good time, i had two strong drinks and a bottle of bud light (even though i've sworn off of beer) and then proceeded to sing karaoke with kristi.  i didn't mean to get so drunk.

i've been trying to curb my excessive drinking as it isn't super healthy for me but once in awhile i slip.  i hadn't been that drunk for about three weeks and that's good considering my track record in the past.

from what i remember (and from what i saw this morning in my outgoing calls log) i called my ex-boyfrend last night among other men .. all in the city.  I also missed my first class today (EXHIBIT B!).

i need to get my act together and meet kristi and wendy for lunch.

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