16 February, 2008


i'm finding that as people change and relationships dissolute, we try to bring our past into our present and it just doesn't translate.  there are a lot of people i once knew so well but are now in my life in a completely different context.  and sometimes it's for better.  and when it's not, i've learned to look beyond it.  i like who i am and as people pass in and out of my life i'm not going to beg them to stay.

kristi, chris and i met up with some friends at café habana that i've very much grown to like.  i talked candidly about a lot things going on in my life and was met with understanding and compassion (even if it's under the influence... which i like even more).

after the bar closed and we were ushered out by the bartenders, kristi and i headed back to her apartment where we thought there was an after-party.  there wasn't.  or rather, there was and it consisted of an ex-lover (not mine) and a bottle of jack daniels.

we swigged from the bottle amidst the sounds of puke and my iphone.  i had a really good time with the three of us talking.  i like expressing opinions (and gossiping, oops) and hearing others' thoughts on the subject.  well, i like it when it comes from people that i respect.  and that's what we had last night.

around 5am i decided i was sober and sleepy so i headed home.  when i got here i contemplating driving to get some breakfast but decided going to bed was probably the better idea.

today i have to do a lot of reading and laundry if i can even consider going out tonight.  i have two midterms next week but all i can think about is what days of the week i can go out.  where are my priorities?

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