08 May, 2008


today was my first day off from my retail job in a week.  i spent the day being worlds more productive than i had assumed i would.  i'm hoping that tomorrow goes similarly (i also hope i get the same bank man tomorrow.  what a gorgeous man!).  i'm leaving for new york on monday to find an apartment and i need to have some sort of order to my life by then.

speaking of being in new york next week, my plans for while i'm there sure have changed.  originally i had planned on staying with stephanie, who had housed me in december during my visit.  this was a beneficial situation because she never really had time to spend outside of work so i was free to gallivant around the city with different boys.  however, this time is going to be a tad different.  my favorite city boy has a boyfriend!

so to make sure everyone stays on their toes (and because frankly i'm too lazy to look for somewhere else to stay), i will be spending the week with my favorite ex boyfriend.  he and i talked tonight about it and i think it'll go smoothly.  and if not, i don't much care because he's my ex and that is what he's there for.  we've both put in our dues and therefore are able to ask one another for favors until we die.

tonight danlly pointed something out to me that i hadn't really realized.  i've been so wrapped up in my postgrad job search that i didn't realize that i'm already fulfilling one of my dreams and that is to move to new york.  one dream at a time, corey.  no need to achieve everything you want within the first 21 years of your life.

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