31 March, 2008

keep on rockin'

it's been awhile, blog.  i've kept busy with my search for a job and frantic scramble to graduate (and alcoholic binges).  this past weekend, kristi and i went to a birthday party for john.  i think i can state with confidence that i have fallen in love ... with his friends.  and that's going to be an issue.

i've been very stressed out with life after graduation.  a lot of things are going to be happening very quickly and i'm not sure if i will be able to keep up.  nevertheless, i will be taking a vacation to miami with my sister in mid-april as if i have any time to do so.  but i'd like to travel before i start working full-time (wherever that may be).

time to start taking care of myself again.  this is going to take some work since i've let myself go after the trip to the west coast.

1 comment:

Jesse Archer said...

yes, yes, travel. Go around the world! Highly recommended. ;)