09 February, 2008

hipsters looking for a good time.

i do declare, last night is beyond words.  i arrived at the restaurant about twenty minutes prior to everybody else and therefore allowed myself to sample an authentic asian beverage that included the description that it was found all around new york city being consumed by hipsters looking for a good time.  and that's what i was last night.  i also tried sake for the first time and it tasted not unlike male ejaculate.

dinner went smashingly.  and by that i mean awkward and silent for most of it.  chris tagged along and from what i gather made some sort of "fat joke" to which she did not respond well.  i was bullied into tipping way more than i should have and it turned out all for not.

after the long and treacherous meal, i made my way back to my apartment to enjoy a milano and a new ringtone before heading to wendy's apartment for a few drinks with michelle.  after dressing kristi in all of wendy's clothes, we made our way to saline (with a quick layover to pick up another one of wendy's coworkers).

upon arrival at the party we made some weird pact in the upstairs bathroom between pulls from a smirnoff lime bottle that we wanted drugs.  feeling good from the vodka, we made our way downstairs to mingle with the other partygoers (and scope out the snacks table).

from here the night starts to get a little fuzzy.  kristi and i had to steal a can of soda from the fridge to polish off the smirnoff.  i think she and i went to the bathroom after a few more drinks and when we came out wendy handed us some orange pills.  success.

kristi and i like snorting things so we immediately returned to the bathroom, used lotion bottles to crush up one of the pills and proceeded to do line after line of what i believe to be either adderall or ritalin.  the pills were big and we spent about 25 minutes occupying the bathroom and listening to jesse mccartney on my iphone.  we talked some about vegas and made the executive decision that we should get some of these pills for spring break.  a mission!  on the way back to the party some girl slipped us some whiskey and coke from behind.  what a kind soul.

we returned to the party, danced for a bit, and cornered the guy with the pills in the kitchen.  he was also one of the djs and his name was joe.  joe took us outside where we bought what i believe is four more pills (at least that's how many i found in my pocket at work this morning). 

we got to talking with joe some more and i started getting some vibes from him or something because somehow between taking shots of jager in the kitchen with him and dancing while he was spinning, he and i ended up in a bed upstairs making out.  i did something super embarrassing and told him he was really hot in the middle and i'm now kind of mortified that i said it.

around 6am the party had wound down.  kristi and i had done another pill in the bathroom and then got a little high in the kitchen.  we got reprimanded for both.  i forgot some people are uncomfortable about drug use.  at 730am everyone had left, leaving those who had rode with me and joe sitting on some sofas.  joe held my hand and i rested my eyes for about twenty minutes before it was time to leave.

joe asked me for my number but i don't really expect him to call.  he doesn't seem very sure of his sexuality and in those cases the guy usually stays on the straight and narrow.  i did like him but he and i don't have much common ground so it's probably better this way.  nevertheless, i did hunt him down on myspace and curses, his profile is private!

from the party i had to work at 9am, my car stalled on state street and thankfully good samaritans came out of the woodwork and got my car running again.  work was terrible as that second orange pill was still coursing through me.  it's now 8pm and i'm about to eat for the first time today.  appetite suppressants are the best.

it's a saturday night and i'm way too burned out to even think about making plans.


Jesse Archer said...

oh my god, cum does taste like sake. Warm sake. Unless you eat a lot of pineapple and then it'd taste sweeter. Not that I'd know, ;)

Anonymous said...

I totally know how you feel about the tipping thing. If the waiter doesn't do shit, he doesn't deserve a 20% (or over, as someone recommended) tip. People need to get what they earn. Also, people need to allow others to live their own life and choose their own tipping methods.

I read up to that point and decided to take a break. I'll finish it later<3