17 February, 2008

bang, bang, bang.

man, i keep trying to write about my night before it actually happens and discuss my future plans.  i'm getting a little sick of starting every single time with "well last night..." and then recount the previous evenings affairs.  however, who doesn't like a little reminiscing?

the bang was last night.  i made the grand statement about a week ago that i don't do shots anymore.  however, that seems to have been a grand overstatement as i think i've done shots every single night i went out this past week.  so a group of us did some shots over here and then cabbed it to the blind pig.  when we pulled up there was a line about a block long and i absolutely detest waiting.

the fearsome threesome decided it would be easier (and warmer) to enter the eight ball and work our way upstairs to the blind pig.  after having a round of vodka cranberries (delicious!), we caught a break when the door guy had to run some booze to the downstairs bar.  we scampered up the stairs and headed into the droves on the dance floor so that no one could catch us.

we danced the night away on the floor, onstage, and behind the scenes.  i saw all sorts of people i know (small-town life, i suppose) and loved our drinks for having a handle.  i made eyes at a few guys but since i know them from around it wasn't really a good idea to take it any further.  so i didn't.

we left and ended up at pizza pino's (huh?) where i ate my second meal of the day.  due to the caloric value of a piece of barbeque chicken pizza, today i should eat very light.

my karmic output into the universe has come back around.  the guy at aldo has come into apple asking about me.  if i were a fully functional person i would go talk to him at his place of business.  alas, i'm not so who knows what will happen now.

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