23 February, 2008

baby fever, substance headache.

i have a headache from the wine last night.  yesterday i spent the day at home visiting my mother and father because i leave for vegas tonight.  it was nice to spend time with them and see the puppies, of course.

i drove back for my hair appointment at eight and then met kristi at her apartment for some drinking.  we had the grand plan to "party all night" so that we could sleep all day today and then "party all night" again tonight since we can't check into our hotel until 4pm tomorrow.  however, those plans kind of fell by the wayside when i bullied kristi into visiting my coworker and his wife (and their 2 month old baby).

i had never held a baby until last night.  i felt a little sad as i did so but that may be because i was drunk and a little high.  it's so strange to see established families.  it's something i don't think i'll ever have and i'm not sure if i like that or not.

i went out with john the other night.  i like meeting new people.  i won't expand on the subject because unfortunately there's nothing left to expand upon.

last night i had a dream about my ex-boyfriend.  damn those dreams and everything they make me feel when i wake up.  i suppose it's a good thing that who he is in my dreams is who he isn't in reality and therefore i'll keep my dreams close and him far, far away.

man, i missed my chance to buy the rolling stone with britney on the cover.  i really don't want to have to buy it from ebay.

today i have a bunch of shit to do before we depart at 7pm.  viva las vegas!

1 comment:


mmm... have fun in vegas! meet celine dion for me, please.